Engaging Conferences — Wolf & Heron
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eNGAGING meetings

Conference Planning and Preparation


Conference Story Arc Development

A conference theme and story arc provides focus for the entire event and sets the tone for presentations, activations, and workshops.

Leverage our tried-and-true process to engage all relevant stakeholders in crafting a conference story arc that will make your event a memorable experience.

Breakout Activity and WOrkshop Design

Move your conference attendees from sharing ideas to taking real action through engaging breakout activities and effective workshop design.

We leverage our knowledge of engagement and inspiration to help you design truly interactive experiences. Whether intended as a smaller breakout or as an interactive plenary, we help you plan and execute masterfully.

Speaker and Presentation Coaching

Your speakers make or break your conference. Collectively they carry the conference story arc and give voice to the ideas your conference carries.

Level up your speakers with one-on-one coaching designed to support them while connecting to the conference theme. We help your presenters master their message and deliver it with poise.


I have been doing SKOs for almost 20 years, and I wish I had known about W&H services earlier.

I brought in Stephanie to help us develop more interactive breakout sessions and coach our "from the stage" presenters for SKO 2024. The survey results from participants after the event was that it was the best SKO they'd ever had.

I am forever changed by the work W&H did. The level of interactivity Stephanie brought to our breakout sessions was unmatched and directly connected to the work. Every table had something to do, and the resulting buy-in to our strategy is extremely high. Stephanie also helped our presenters show up polished and poised, which really elevated the participant experience, and ensured our messaging was on point.

I'm already making plans to bring W&H into our SKO planning for next year much earlier in the process so we can leverage their expertise even further.

Karen Loiterstein, VP Sales Enablement | TierPoint


Conference Programming


Customized professional Development

We design bespoke professional development experiences for your attendees that focus on skills that will make them more engaging and inspiring as leaders.


Turnkey Learning

We adapt our turnkey learning experiences to fit your needs. Influential Storytelling, Meetings that Work, and The Fundamentals of Inspiration are our most popular experiences.


Keynote Speaking

Founder and Managing Partner, Stephanie Judd, speaks to audiences large and small, and is available as a Keynote for your conference. Topics include the power of story, how to engage others, and the relationship between vulnerability, courage, and inspirational leadership.

Learn more →

Reach out. Let’s discuss how we can help you!


I partnered with Kara to design and prepare a guest lecture for the Product Management Executive Programme. I came in with high-level ideas and Kara helped me get to a place where I have a fully developed 4 hour session that I am really looking forward to facilitate. One of the things I found most valuable was her candid feedback. She let me know where to push myself and the materials further in order to make them the most cohesive and compelling to my audience. It was amazing to have someone give me tips and workshop insights from everything to the amount of time it takes to explore a discussion question to how to structure a story.

Christin Schink, Global Senior Product Director: Data
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