Giving & Receiving Effective Feedback

Giving & Receiving Effective Feedback
Participants learn how to give effective feedback and play an active role in conversation as the receiver of feedback. They explore the stages of a feedback conversation and the responsibilities of both parties to ensure the feedback is specific and actionable.
Discover the benefits of effective feedback, for both the organization and the individual.
Describe the main stages of a feedback conversation from beginning to end.
Understand how to give and receive feedback effectively.
Facilitator Materials
Purchase 1 for each facilitator you plan to have run a meeting.
Facilitator Guide
Room Materials
These materials are good for up to 15 concurrent participants. Purchase multiple sets if you plan to run the meeting with more than 15 participants.
Role Cards*
*Role Cards are designed to be organization and industry generic. For custom scenarios, contact us.
Table Materials
You need 1 set of table materials for every group of 5–6 people that sit around a table together. These materials are reusable, so you only need to buy them once!
Table Discussion Guide
Feedback Moment Card Deck
Participant Materials
Each participant will need a set of these single-use materials to use during the experience. Materials are sold in sets of 6.
Participant Workbook
If you would like assistance determining appropriate quantities for your group, we’ll happily talk through it with you.
MITM Quantity Discussion Call →
Bulk Pricing
Bulk pricing is available for large quantities.
Contact Us →
Meeting Flow
05 min
Orient participants to the materials.
Establish role expectations.
Set the context for the meeting.
10 min
Why Feedback
Discuss why giving and receiving feedback is important.
05 min
Our Organization’s Point of View
Discuss giving and receiving feedback within the unique cultural context of your organization.
20 min
The Feedback Conversation
Describe the 5 stages of an effective feedback conversation.
Understand the specific individual responsibilities of both the feedback giver and receiver at each stage in the conversation.
10 min
Making it Count
Evaluate feedback moments for whether or not they are “effective.”
Explore specific tips and tricks that make feedback moments effective.
06 min
Let’s Practice
Practice giving and receiving feedback using the structure of an effective feedback conversation.
04 min
Solidify the learning from the session.
Orient participants to additional resources within the workbooks.
Built-In Customization Options
Additional activities related to written feedback.
Suggestions for how to adapt the experience for people managers, individual contributors, or a mixed audience.
Role Cards may be customized using titles or scenarios common at your organization. Contact us at for more information.