14 Time-Management Practices For Completing Your To-Do List

Without building the right technical and soft skills to attain a leadership role, you may find your career stalled out at tAs busy and successful coaching professionals, the members of Forbes Coaches Council use time-management strategies to ensure they can give their clients sufficient time and energy while still thriving in their own professional and personal lives.

In this article, Stephanie Judd is featured as one of 14 coaches who share time-management practices they use to manage their own work responsibilities and why they recommend these tactics to others.

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Moving From Command & Control to Coaching & Collaboration

The number one leadership initiative in any organization today is improved coaching. Coaching empowers employees, empowerment drives engagement, and engagement drives performance. At its core, coaching is about transformation. Leading distributed teams requires transforming how we coach and changing our play calls and playbooks to get things done. As a part of our interview series called “Moving From Command & Control to Coaching & Collaboration; How Leaders and Managers Can Become Better Coaches,” we had the pleasure to interview Stephanie Judd and Kara Davidson.

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Wolf & Heron Relocates Headquarters to Metro Atlanta and Delivers First Presentation of 2023 at the CDC

Wolf & Heron announces the relocation of its headquarters to Atlanta, Georgia. Founder Stephanie Judd was also tapped to speak at a Leadership Lab sponsored by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). The in-person event was designed for the public health staff members throughout the United States and hosted on January 4 at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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What to do When Your One-on-One Check-ins Feel Like a Waste of Time

As a manager, you can create a predictable and safe environment for those conversations at your regular manager/employee check-ins. Many of us have had these meetings on our calendar but there’s a big difference between a well organized, predictable, thoughtful check-in and the rushed, distracted, “default” check-in. Scheduling the check-in and inviting your employee to meet with you is not enough.

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How to Navigate Power Dynamics


Being influential is a challenge for many leaders, but particularly when in a team, organization or even just leading a meeting where you’re not the most experienced or lack formal power.

If you’re worried about your ability to influence within a group, there’s a lot you can do to understand the power dynamics and increase the likelihood you’ll feel and show up as powerful and influential.

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How to Gather Input from a Working Group

When organizing a working group meeting, you may decide that part of the reason for gathering is to collect input and expertise from your members. Remember that giving your participants something to DO is a powerful way to engage them and give them purpose, so don’t hold back. Then, focus on giving your conversation structure so that you can manage the loud voices and democratize the input.

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Elevate Your Executive Presence With Intentional Storytelling

In her book Executive Presence, Sylvia Ann Hewlett describes executive presence as resting on three pillars: gravitas, communication and appearance. As a storytelling and presentation skills coach, I work with clients on all three of these pillars. Here’s my tip: If you’re aiming to develop your executive presence, consider developing your storytelling skills as one way to do so. Here are a few reasons why becoming an intentional storyteller can help build your executive presence.

Stephanie Judd authored this article as a Forbes Council contribution.

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Clarifying Success for Your Working Group Meeting (with Downloadable Tool)


Because working groups are often established to work through aspirational and shifting goals, and because participants are usually loosely organized, it’s critical that participants understand why they’re meeting, what they are expected to contribute, and what they can expect in return. Although you may already have a cursory idea of agenda topics for meetings, getting clear on your “why” will take your meeting from the typical boring event to a powerful gathering with better outcomes.

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Wolf & Heron Founder Tapped to Speak at the Annual Product Management Festival Europe

Wolf & Heron, a consultancy that empowers high-potential people to engage and inspire others with storytelling, has announced that founder and managing partner Stephanie Judd is an invited speaker at the 2022 Product Management Festival (PMF). The event will be held in Zürich, Switzerland from November 9 to November 10, 2022.

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Designing a Meeting for a Working Group

Working groups are a particularly challenging group to organize and facilitate. Members typically participate in a working group as volunteers, or as an “add on” to their day-to-day jobs. They’re usually made up of members who are more experienced and senior than the person charged with spearheading the group, and the lack of power structure makes accountability to the group a bit thin.

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